

a. Non-Liability: Prospectus Application Form and all other Admission Correspondence will be sent by personal/Post/Courier. ORMERTI is not responsible for Postal/Courier delays or loss in transit.

b. Non-refund of fees: All fees once paid are not refundable for any reason whatsoever.

c. Cancellation of Admission: ORMERTI reserves its right to cancel the admission of successful candidate under any of the following circumstances :

  • If the fees is not deposited by the stipulated date
  • If the candidate does not join the particular programme by the stipulated date even though the fee has been deposited.
  • If the candidate fails to furnish the proof of the stipulated minimum qualifications
  • If any of the document(s) submitted by you to ORMERTI is found to be forged, fabricated or false during the period of your study, your admission shall be cancelled immediately and fees shall be forfeited
  • In case you complete the course and obtain the certificate on the basis of documents which are later found to be forged, fabricated or false, at any point of time, your certificate shall be cancelled/ recalled.
  • d. Right of Alteration/Modification:

  • ORMERTI reserves its right to alter or modify the structure of any of the programs, affiliations and collaborations to attain the objective of excellence.
  • ORMERTI reserves its right to change the provided Fee Structure.
  • ORMERTI reserves its right to modify, alter and/or include any other Terms and Conditions that may be deemed fit in the interest of the Institution.

e. Limitation Clause: No dispute shall be raised after the expiry of 30 days from the date on which the process of admission and/or selection is completed.

f. Student Agreement Clause:

  • The candidate should immediately inform the ORMERTI in writing if there is any change to the information he/she has provided in this application
  • The candidate authorizes the ORMERTI to issue details provided in this application form to any agency in the event of verification or other statutory requirements
  • The candidates applied for courses are supposed to have read the contents in the prospectus and agreed with all conditions/ clauses and will not have the right to challenge any of the clauses contained in the prospectus.
  • The candidates are fully aware and accept the responsibility for all expenses towards his/her living and education - which includes and not limited to, the fees, travel, lodging, boarding, infrastructure, equipment, while studying in the ORMERTI.

All successful candidates shall be bound by the above mentioned Terms & Conditions of ORMERTI.